Christmas Display at St. Alfege Church
Greenwich Church Street
Greenwich, SE10 9BJ
Advent Windows 2019 concludes at St. Alfege Church, the organisers of this annual event. The life-sized nativity will be on display on the steps of the church.
Christmas Services at St. Alfege Church
Christmas Eve
5.00pm – Christingle and Crib service.
10.45pm – Choir Carol Concert
11.30pm – Midnight Mass (Candlelit)
25th December – Christmas Day
8.00am – Holy Communion
11.00am – Parish Eucharist with Carols
Happy Christmas to you all.
Richard the First Pub
52-54 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE10 8RT
This year’s Advent Windows by Richard the First Pub asks you to think about anticipation. Come to our pub, admire our Advent Windows, and anticipate a fine drink from behind our bar.
Best viewed from inside the pub any time.
The window will be ready by 6 p.m. on the 23rd.
5 King William Walk
Greenwich, SE10 9JH
In our window, you’ll be able to see angels waiting patiently.
The window is best viewed any time.
The window will be ready by 5 p.m. on 22 December.
Wise Men Waiting
9 Royal Place
Greenwich, SE10 8QF
At an appropriately Christmassy bus stop, several festive characters sit waiting for their yuletide transport to arrive.
The window is best after dark.
The window will be ready by 5 p.m. on 21 December.
A Chair for Waiting
14c Park Vista
Greenwich, SE10 8UJ
What does waiting mean to you? We will be creating a special waiting chair in lights, which we hope helps you contemplate what it means to you.
The window is best viewed any time.
The window will be ready by 6 p.m. on 20 December.
In Anticipation… Everything is Up in the Air
67 Maidenstone Hill
Greenwich, SE10 8SY
Just wait and see!
The window is best viewed when lit.
The window will be ready by 7:30 p.m. on 19 December.
His Wonderful Deeds in the Deep
Art Made by St. Ursula’s School
68 Crooms Hill, Greenwich, SE10 8HG
2019 has been dominated by the call to action to save our planet. From plastic pollution in our seas to raging fires in the Amazon, we are all aware of hour our home, Earth, needs help.
Now at Christmas, when we take the time to reflect on our lives and how we can serve, we must ensure there is a focus to preserving and reversing some of the damage done to our beautiful planet.
This oceanic window draws on inspiration from pattern in cultural art and design from all over the world, highlighting the global need for change and unity.
Our window can be seen at the Presbytery of the church on 68 Crooms Hill. The artwork was completed by the school’s art department with assistance from the St. Ursula’s students.
The window is best viewed after dark.
It’s a Wonderful Wait!
Greenwich Picturehouse
180 Greenwich High Road, Greenwich, SE10 8NN
What kind of cinema would we be we didn’t have a film-themed Advent Window? See if you can spot all of the characters and their films!
If you’re feeling particularly confident, for a £1 donation to Refuge you can submit your list to the Box Office and be entered into a competition to win a pair of cinema tickets.
Merry Christmas!
The window is best viewed any time, but best after dusk.
The window will be ready by 9 a.m. on 17 December.
The Night Before Christmas
Meridian Primary School
Old Woolwich Road, Greenwich, SE10 9NY
The stained glass window created by the children of Meridian Primary School, which depicts children’s excitement as they wait for the magic of Christmas to begin.
The window is best viewed any time.
The window will be ready by 9 a.m. on 16 December.
What Time Is It?
Ben Oakley Gallery
9 Turnpin Lane, Greenwich Market, Greenwich, SE10 9JA
There will be clocks at Ben Oakley Gallery.
The window is best viewed any time.
The window will be ready by 9 a.m. on 15 December.