December 2013

December 24

December 24, 2013

st alfege 001Christmas Eve at St. Alfege Church

We will have more than life size figures of Mary and Joseph with Christ child created by the pupils of St Alfege School in the East Portico at the front of the church from today.  Sculpture designed and supervised by two artists, John Forster and Ian Davison who worked in the school with the pupils.

5.00pm – Christingle and Crib service.

10.45pm – Choir Carols

11.30pm – Midnight Mass

25th December – Christmas Day

8.00am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Parish Communion

Happy Christmas to you all.



December 23

December 23, 2013

Heaven in the City

51 Hyde Vale, SE10 8QQ

Research reveals a surprising uniform world view of perfect, heavenly pastoral landscape. Now more than 60 percent of us live in cities, so how can we bring heaven into city life?

When is the window best viewed? All the time.

Opening Time on the 23rd: 6:30 p.m.

Opening Event: We will be accepting donations for the St. Alfege’s Church Fund.


st alfege 012


December 22

December 22, 2013

It’s a Fine Line

Ben Oakley Gallery,

9 Turnpin Lane, SE10 9JA

Putting his artistic talent to good use, Ben will be showing an artist’s mannequin balancing on a tightrope that is positioned midway between heaven and earth.

When is the window best viewed? Visible all the time.

Opening Event: We will be offering homemade mince pies and mulled wine at the weekends, with all donations going to St. Alfege Church.


December 21

December 21, 2013

photo-3Angels Watch Over

5 King William Walk, SE10 9JH

Traditional Christmas scenes with angels watching over Earth from Heaven.

Viewing Tips: Best viewed during the day.


December 20

December 20, 2013

photoThe Ride of the Valkyries

67 Maidenstone Hill, SE10 8SY

There must be an angel playing with my heart.

Best viewed at night (6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.) and from across the road, as it is a first floor front window.



December 19

December 19, 2013

st alfege 007St. Alfege’s Vision of Heaven

Richard the First Pub, Art by Frances Shaw

52-54 Royal Hill, SE10 8RT

A collage of images based on the descriptions of St. Alfege’s vision in Osbern’s Life of Alfege.

When is the window best viewed? All the time.

Opening Time on the 19th: 6 p.m.

Opening Event: The pub will have a tin on the bar to accept donations for the St. Alfege’s Church Fund.



December 18

December 18, 2013

Leaving Earth

30 Crooms Hill, SE10 8ER

If an eddy of wind threw you upon a pile of leaves but did not stop…

Viewing Tips: Best viewed either in the day or night.

Opening time on the 18th: 7 p.m. Opening event: We will be serving refreshments at the opening.

st alfege 003



December 17

December 17, 2013

Heaven and earth

4 Egerton Drive, SE10 8JS

Heaven and earth will be portrayed via illuminated stencil on glass.

Viewing Tips: Can be seen any time, but best viewed at night.

Opening time on the 17th: 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Opening event: We will be serving champagne and mince pies at the opening.



December 16

December 16, 2013

Modern Art

16 St. Alfege Passage, SE10 9JS

Window in homage to St. Ives artist Terry Frost and dedicated to Greenwich artist Anne Christopherson, who died this year.

Viewing Tips: Can be seen either in the day or the night.

Opening time on the 16th: 6 p.m.

Opening Event: Mulled wine and minced pies on the night of the opening.



December 15

December 15, 2013

st alfege 01023 West Grove Lane, SE10 8QP

O all ye powers of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise him, and magnify him for ever.

Heaven and earth as depicted from a photograph as seen in Petra, Jordan.

When is the window best viewed? All the time.

Opening Time on the 23rd: 5 p.m.