1 December: Green Parrot Gallery, 73 Lassell Street, SE10 9LZ at 3pm. “Heavenly Angels, Rats & Parrots Singing”
A real harp and a real harpist in one window, angels and rats in the other; mince pies and mulled wine served.
2 December: Ben Oakley Gallery, 9 Turnpin Lane, SE10 9LA at 7pm. “We are all winners”
Come along to see how the Ben Oakley Gallery decorate their window this year. Mince pies and mulled wine available to get you in the festive mood.
3 December: 15 Nelson Road, SE10 9JB at 630pm. “Realms of Glory”
Come along to see how local artist Jonathan Bishop interprets this years theme.
4 December: Biscuit Ceramic Cafe, 3-4 Nelson Road, SE10 9JB at 2pm. “Glorious Christmas Joy”
Once again this unique cafe will be unveiling their interpretation of Realms of Glory.
5 December: James Wolfe Primary School, Randall Place, SE10 9LA at 330pm. “Olympic Glory 2012”
Carol singing outside the window with choir and music teacher.
6 December: St Alfege Primary School, Creek Road, SE10 9RB at 4pm. “Angels”
Singing Squad will be singing carols. They will be raising money for Crisis for Christmas.
7 December: Meridian Primary School, Old Woolwich Road, SE10 9NY at 315pm. “Meridian Christmas Everyone!”
Come along to the school where there will be a Christmas Faire. Tea, coffee and cake available.