December 2011

Well here we are again, at the end of another fantastic Advent Windows.  I’m sure you’ll agree that there’s only one way to round it all off at that’s by coming to St Alfege which has been decorated so festively you can’t afford to miss out.

5pm – Christingle.  Family service, all welcome

1045pm – Choir carols, all welcome

1130pm – Midnight mass by candle light, all welcome

Merry Christmas from everyone at St Alfege Church.

Don’t forget you can view the windows until 2nd January 2012


Opening at 58 Royal Hill, SE10 8RT at 7pm.  – Multi-media illuminated silhouette.  Ties in with….

Sing the Windows!

Clap your hands, stamp your feet and sing your heart out at our ‘big sing’ around Greenwich from 530pm

530-6pm – Carols in St Alfege churchyard

6-7pm – Sing the Advent Windows

7-730pm – Rousing finale at 58 Royal Hill.

Come along and get into the festive spirit – all in a good cause – helping to raise £500,000 to restore our wonderful Hawksmoor church in the heart of Greenwich.


Opening at 30 Crooms Hill, SE10 8ER at 7pm.

A celebration of Greenwich Park as experienced and enjoyed throughout its long history, using graphics, silhouettes, toy theatre and digital images to explore the value of sharing a beautiful open space. Refreshments available in exchange for donations to the church restoration appeal.


Opening at 34 Coltman House, SE10 9DW from 6pm.

A window display of a personalised gate.  This window is located at the back of Coltman House.


Opening at 51 Hyde Vale, SE10 8QQ.  Can be viewed from 7pm.

Model made from found objects, inspired by Italian village crib scenes (Presepi) and the ideas of transition towns to lower our carbon footprint and share more fairly our planet’s resources.


Week commencing 1st December

December 18, 2011

1 December: Green Parrot Gallery, 73 Lassell Street, SE10 9LZ at 3pm.  “Heavenly Angels, Rats & Parrots Singing”

A real harp and a real harpist in one window, angels and rats in the other; mince pies and mulled wine served.

2 December: Ben Oakley Gallery, 9 Turnpin Lane, SE10 9LA at 7pm. “We are all winners”

Come along to see how the Ben Oakley Gallery decorate their window this year. Mince pies and mulled wine available to get you in the festive mood.

3 December: 15 Nelson Road, SE10 9JB at 630pm. “Realms of Glory”

Come along to see how local artist Jonathan Bishop interprets this years theme.

4 December: Biscuit Ceramic Cafe, 3-4 Nelson Road, SE10 9JB at 2pm. “Glorious Christmas Joy”

Once again this unique cafe will be unveiling their interpretation of Realms of Glory.

5 December: James Wolfe Primary School, Randall Place, SE10 9LA at 330pm. “Olympic Glory 2012”

Carol singing outside the window with choir and music teacher. 

6 December: St Alfege Primary School, Creek Road, SE10 9RB at 4pm. “Angels”

Singing Squad will be singing carols. They will be raising money for Crisis for Christmas.

7 December: Meridian Primary School, Old Woolwich Road, SE10 9NY at 315pm. “Meridian Christmas Everyone!”

Come along to the school where there will be a Christmas Faire. Tea, coffee and cake available.


Opening at 4 Egerton Drive, SE10 8JS between 5pm and 7pm

Children of the world in national costume represented on different panes of the windows.  Wine and mince pies.


Opening at The Vicarage, 33 Park Vista, SE10 9LZ at 4pm

In the ancient world it was thought that there were two gates of sleep: the one of horn, the other made of ivory. False dreams come through the gates of ivory, true dreams through that of horn. For the dreamers it may be hard to distinguish them. The window depicts the gates with their dreams issuing forth: the trusty and true and the deceitful distortions, while Hypnos, the god of sleep presides over them both.


Opening at 17 Point Hill, SE10 8QW at 430pm

Traditional nativity scene. Tableau by children of the church Sunday School based on the nativity but with a welcoming to all theme.  Mulled wine, refreshments and carols.


Opening at Number 16, St Alfege Passage, SE10 9JS at 6pm.

Image of St Alfege stained glass window which can be seen in the church with gates flung wide.  Mince pies included.